
How To Turn On Motion Blur In Valorant

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How to force Move Mistiness

Guide on forcing camera motion mistiness via a configuration file edit

Disclaimer - before you beginning

While searching online on the bailiwick, it has get evident to me that some people have strong feelings against move blur and simply tin can't pass an opportunity to limited them. Delight... This guide isn't meant to wreak disputes or strength anyone to use it, just to (maybe) help those who might prefer to have motility blur. Hell, maybe I'm the merely such weirdo out there, then what.


Since the days of KF1, even when I had a loftier refresh rate monitor, I institute KF's complete lack of motion blur very jarring and difficult for my optics. With KF2, the issue withal holds true. Peculiarly since I switched to 60hz IPS panel and take by and large moved away from fast paced and FPS games.
And so with my very recent recurrence of involvement in the game, I've looked into this a fleck more.

The regular move blur setting in the game settings inappreciably does anything; the amount of blurring applied even during very fast paced turns is so minimal, information technology doesn't help in move fluidity at all, only very, very slightly de-sharpens the prototype.

The tweaks below are what I've been able to notice / make work for myself.

They Only enable CAMERA driven motion blur.

I oasis't been able to find a way to activate object motion blur, but camera motion blur does the job for me.
To elaborate: yous only get motion blur when camera moves, rotates or shakes ( when you motion or shoot too ), but not when you're completely static.

I've tried to become some agreement of the values / settings - to best I could, for now at least - and to provide reasonable clarification.

Some info regarding Motion Blur Mail service Process Consequence can be institute on UDK documentation site here[], even so, information technology is not KF2-specific.


The needed tweaks are located in

%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config\KFSystemSettings.ini

All of the following variables exist in the ini file to brainstorm with; you lot tin can find them via search.


  • false corresponds to "off" setting in the video options bill of fare


  • this specifically enables the camera motion mistiness (not present in the options menu)


  • 0 corresponds to "off" setting in the video options card
  • 1 corresponds to "on" setting in the video options carte


  • amount (scale) of motility blur
  • contrary to my initial assumptions, this is not the shutter angle / length, but the scale/multiplier for the issue. Default is 0.8, which felt too much; I dropped it to 0.1 and notwithstanding get decent corporeality of blur
  • the other one, MotionBlurDynamicScale, doesn't seem to practise annihilation


I oasis't seen a performance impact, but I guess your mileage may vary.
Share your experience if you desire.
(Myself I'm currently on 1080Ti at 3840x2160, 60hz with vsync on, settings are more often than not Ultra except unimportant stuff like filtering,shadows and reflections. FleX off.)


Below is a medium-speed plough left-to-right (camera pan):

no camera blur (only default motion blur)

MotionBlur=True MotionBlurQuality=1 UseComputeMotionBlur=False

This is with default in-game motion blur choice turned on. Observe how there's barely any mistiness,
only slight loss in sharpness on the zeds.

with camera blur

MotionBlur=True MotionBlurQuality=1 UseComputeMotionBlur=True MotionBlurStaticScale=0.ane

More than screenshots of regular gameplay:

Here'southward a random silly video with these exact settings. The video itself is unaltered original screen recording without any editing or color correction

Some boosted notes

I excluded these things from "Tweaks" considering I consider them irrelevant:

  • this[] UDK documentation page references MotionBlurQuality values of upwards to iv, however, I don't recall it applies to KF2 and I did not see whatever difference with values above 1
  • in that location is also a console variable MotionBlurSoftEdge[] , in KF2 information technology is prepare to -1 (off). Information technology'southward supposed to amend the smoothness of the mistiness. Only fifty-fifty if changed, it resets each time the game is restarted, I couldn't get information technology to load from .ini files, and I really did not run into it make any visual difference

Final words

I might revise the guide if I got something wrong or detect something to update / correct in the future.
Considering I haven't tested this on other hardware, information technology is possible at that place are some more quirks or hardware based limitations. The abovementioned tweaks / variables might depend on another settings.


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